










武蔵小杉校 泉川紗衣さん (高3時)


In my opinion, companies need to improve the way they treat their workers. There are two problems which we need to solve.


Firstly, the Japanese work-life balance is terrible compared to other countries. Japanese people tend to spend more of their time working than they do relaxing at home or enjoying themselves elsewhere. I think it is because of the specific character of the Japanese. Most Japanese companies are dependent on their diligent character.


Secondly, there is a big difference between the way they treat men and women. Companies usually hire people who can work for a long time in the future. Men can keep working because most of them have the responsibility to provide for their families, while only women can bear babies, so they need to take time off to raise their children for a while. This is one of the reasons for the gap.


Therefore, companies should think again about how they treat their workers.



In my opinion, companies need to improve the way they treat their workers. There are two problems which we need to solve.

Firstly, Japanese work-life balance is more terrible than that of another countries. Japanese people tend to spend their time on working more than do on being relaxed at home or on playing somewhere. I think it is because of Japanese specific character. Most Japanese companies are dependent on their diligent character.

Secondly, there is a big difference between male and female. Companies usually hire people who can work for a long time in the future. Male can keep working because most of them have responsibilities to provide for their family, while female only can have bear their babies, so they need to take a rest to raise their children for a while. It is one reason causes this gap.

Therefore, companies should think again about treatments of workers.







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