ウィングローブ英語塾 高校生優秀英文エッセイご紹介の第三弾となります。
今回は、横浜井土ヶ谷校 Yさん(高2)の作文をご紹介いたします。
Topic:Water Sanitation
More than half of the global population doesn’t have access to safe sanitation. Worldwide, 2.2 billion people still lack access to safe drinking water. Many people suffer from various diseases caused by drinking contaminated water.
First, we should consider how we use water. For example, you need to save water when you cook, wash dishes, or take a shower. It’s not good to leave the water running. It’s also important to reduce domestic drainage. We have to avoid using too much shampoo or detergent.
Donation can also help people get clean water and recover from illness. If you donate 3000 yen to UNICEF, it will turn into 7025 tablets that make dirty water safe to drink. If you donate 5000 yen, it will turn into 748 bags of oral rehydration salts that protect children from dehydration.
By doing these, we could help people who are suffering from water problems. We should think what we can do.